The Sacrifice by Beverly Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Sacrifice is book three in the Abram's Daughters series by Beverly Lewis. It's safe to say, I am pretty well obsessed with this series. I cannot read fast enough! In the first half of this book two years has passed since Sadie left home. Jonas and Leah are no longer together and it is thought that he has settled down with Sadie who had betrayed her sister in the last book by stealing letters written to and from Jonas and deceiving him into thinking Leah is cheating on him. Sadie and Jonas have both been shunned by the community so the family hasn't been able to hear from either of them personally. We learn that Ida is expecting again and word through the grapevine is that Sadie is as well. Ida longs to hear from her eldest girl and prays that she will eventually repent and come back to the fold.
Leah is moving on from her sister and Jonas' betrayal and finding peace. Feeling blessed beyond measure to finally know the truth of her real birth mother, who happens to be none other than her precious aunt Lizzie. Things finally seem to be falling into place for Leah. She finds herself being courted by Smithy Gid who has patiently waited for her for years. He is so loving and attentive to her, and they speak of marriage until tragedy once again hits the Ebersol family. Leah must choose between the desires of her heart and doing what is right for her family.
Hannah and Mary Ruth's storylines are futher developed in this book. Both are of courting age and each have found a beau. Mary Ruth still has a defiant streak about her and her relationship with her father, and community is put to the test when she must endure her own personal tragedy. This poor family just cannot find their footing. Every single time they get ahead it seems the rug is just pulled right out from under them. However, there is hope still on the horizon as personal relationships are being forged with the Lord and hearts are being drawn to His love and salvation.
Towards the end of this book we have a jump forward in time, years into the future. Leah is still fulfilling a vow she has taken, Hannah has found love and has married with children of her own. Mary Ruth is on better terms with her family but has decided to leave the Amish faith, having fully embraced her new found faith in Christ and has joined with a Mennonite church. She even has a new beau and is fairing well in her new life. As she had never taken the kneeling vow into the Amish church she is not under the bann and is able to visit with and fellowship with her Amish family.
Finally, we are shed more light into what all has went on with Sadie since she left her community 7+ years ago. When she contacts her family asking if she may come home, recently widowed and ready to repent of her past indiscretions, old wounds are opened anew for Leah and the two has to come to terms with all that has happened between them.
I am absolutely loving this series. I cannot wait to pick up the next book and yet I'm feeling a little sad that there are only three books left and then I must say goodbye to Abram's daughters!
You may find reviews for the following installments of the Abram's Daughter Series here:
Part 1: The Covenant
Part 2: The Betrayal
View all my reviews
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