Threads of Grace by Kelly Long
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
After reading books one and two in the A Patch of Heaven series in just two days—I was really eager to pick up Threads of Grace. I had a feeling that this book would continue with Seth’s story and I was not disappointed. These books are absolutely fantastic and Kelly Long is quickly becoming a favorite for me as she’s very unique and paints a vivid romance with real emotion.

Seth offers to marry Grace and she accepts out of desperation. Though their marriage was rushed, Seth truly cares for Grace and he is determined to heal the wounds of Grace’s past. Only, he has no idea just how deep these wounds go nor of the horrors that this young woman has faced in her lifetime. Though this book was fiction there were times when my heart nearly broke for this young woman.
This book was so touching and heart wrenching. Unfortunately, domestic abuse exists in all religions and in all walks of life and this book certainly had a dark undertone of abuse and despair. There was also hope though—hope for women who have suffered from domestic violence and emotional abuse. I was so happy with this book and with the conclusion. There were no false pretenses of hope for an abusive partner and instead focused on other hopes and truths. I really hope that there will be more books in the A Patch of Heaven series!
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