So Shines the Night by Tracy L. Higley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
So Shines the Night is in the Seven Wonders series by Tracy Higley. It takes us back to the time of Paul, the apostle and into the heart of the early church in Ephesus. I was so excited to read this book. First off, the cover is just gorgeous and secondly—the author is so inviting and open. I happen to have the honor of being a part of “The Caravan” which is the author’s street team and time and time again have I seen the heart that this author has for her readers. It is a joy and an honor to pick up another one of her works!

Daria is interested in learning of the One True God but as a follower of Artemis she is afraid of being abandoned by the gods and left to her misfortune. At the same time she fears the dark arts that the handsome Lucas seems to dabble in. Having witnessed haunting experiences which the sorcerers seem helpless to resolve—it is the Christians that catch her interest. Particularly interesting is the power which Paul seems to possess. Can he really cast out demons in the name of his god? Who is this god which he speaks of?
I thought this story was so powerful. Though Daria wished to save Lucas she must learn a lesson that only the Lord has the power to save and each heart must come to repentance. No man or woman can save those that they love—salvation comes from the Lord. Freedom from spiritual oppression being greater than release from physical oppression –this book takes us on a journey through a great spiritual battle that still wages today in our own hearts and souls.
If you’re looking for Christian Historical Fiction with a view of actual Bible characters and what they may have faced during their time—this book is for you. Darkness and principalities and spirits cannot prevail against the saving grace of our Lord and this book really brings that message home in the lives of Daria and Lucas.
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