Prophet by R.J. Larson
I’ll admit it; I read this story for the cover. Isn’t it gorgeous?! I’m really glad I gave it a chance though. It’s a really neat Christian story in fantasy form.
Truly, the “Infinite” of Ela of Parne is the Lord I love and serve as well. I found some of the parallels and words of wisdom presented in a way that touched my spirit and really spoke to my heart.
I thought this story was well thought out, believable and yet still held that fantasy element to it that drew me in. I can’t wait to pick up book two!

Ela leaves Parne with her younger sister, Tzana—a young girl plagued by a degenerative aging condition and travels to distant lands to deliver the Infinite's message. I thought this was interesting as it showed that God can use any of us if we will be his willing vessel. I also found myself worrying over her throughout the story which just shows how I fell in love with the characters.
From Parne, Ela finds herself in a kingdom that has turned away from the Infinite and it is her job to warn them. While she is there she is taken prisoner but she still delivers her message and does the will of the Infinite—even if the means losing her life. The determination and love that Ela holds for her creator serves as a firm reminder of how we should live our life for Him.
“I know the Infinite's voice because He tells me everything I don't want to hear, sends me where I don't want to go, and asks me to fulfill tasks I consider impossible. Above all, He is forever right.”
During her time in prison, Ela meets Kien and though she tries not to—eventually she falls in love. I really wanted them together but I honestly can’t see how it’s going to work. So…in the end—I guess I’m going to have to pick up the next book just to find out!!!
Overall, I thought this book was really good. I struggled knowing how to rate it but decided on a 4 star solely because it seemed to drag for a little while in mid-story. Things picked up towards the end though and it was well worth the push to get through to end! This book definitely makes it to my bookshelf as a keeper!
View all my reviews|Excerpt

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