Katie's Forever Promise by Jerry S. Eicher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Jerry Eicher has quickly made his way to my favorite authors list this year.
I was so excited to read this series but also a little sad to say goodbye to these characters.
I often have trouble relating to or enjoying books written by male authors as I feel they do not usually adequately appeal to my emotions but I feel that Eicher captures each character and breathes life into them on the pages.
I can’t wait to read more by this author. I will be picking up past and future titles!

I don’t want to ruin too much of the storyline for those of you that haven’t yet read the book but I appreciated that characters in this book had some serious flaws. So many authors try to make everyone peachy keen and perfect and it can become hard to relate. These characters were real. They had faults and problems just like everyone does and only through the guidance from the Lord were they able to overcome them.
I feel like this particular author provides a lot of insight, motivation and inspiration for a person to continue growing their relationship with the Lord. Katie and her family all offer sweet assurances about the importance of a relationship with Christ and places importance on His will above all others.
If you’re looking for a new Amish series to read and you’ve not yet read them. I would strongly suggest this series. It’s a delightful read that will make you keep reading until you’ve finished all three books.
View all my reviews|Excerpt

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