Rachel by Jill Eileen Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Suggested Age: 17+
Genre: Christian, Historical Fiction
This cover is gorgeous and made me want to pick up the book. I wasn’t disappointed.
You know, I’ve often judged Jacob—how could he have really loved Rachel and still taken additional wives.
You’d think after the trickery and guilt that he surely felt every single time that he had to be with Leah would have deterred him from taking additional wives.
This story helped me stop looking at Jacob as a creep and actually helped me understand the possible dynamics of his and Rachel’s relationship. I almost began to feel sorry for him. I think I connected with this couple in a way that I hadn’t in the past.

From the horrible betrayal that Rachel felt when Leah stole her betrothed. To the depths of Rachel’s despair when she was unable to bear children and the anguish and jealousy she must have had to endure when Jacob spent time with her…
I became so invested in their lives that I often felt weary with Jacob, jealous with Rachel and sad with Leah. I could identify with all of the broken pieces of these people—they were so human and brought to life in a way that resonated deep within mind and heart.
I urge you to pick up this book and take a journey along with this family as Jacob wrestles with God and learns to find His will. If you’ve ever thought that you have too many troubles and problems to be used by God, think again. This tale will waken your eyes to the turmoil and the dysfunction in the lives of people who still became great.
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Her writing has taken her from the Bible to Israel and she loves learning how women lived in Old Testament times. When she isn't writing she can be found hanging out with family and friends, reading, bike-riding, testing new restaurants with her husband, or snuggling one of two adorable kitties. She lives with her family in southeast Michigan.

I received this book free from the publisher through Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own
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