Merlin's Nightmare by Robert Treskillard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Suggested Age: 12+
Genre: Christian, YA, Fantasy
I was privileged and honored to get to read an ARC of this book and I waited a bit to write my review because I wanted to compare it to the published copy. The ARC was very long and daunting in a way, the published book is really great.
I struggled to know how to rate this book. Originally I had rated it a three star but I’ve since updated to a four—largely because the published version took out some of the parts I felt were unnecessary or that was just too wordy or lengthy.
My only complaint is that it ends in a cliffhanger. I’m okay with a cliffhanger sometimes but at the end of a series? I dunno, I just feel frustrated that I have to wait for another series to come out. I feel there should have been a little bit of a better conclusion or even just continue this series instead of making a new one.

Arthur, now eighteen, is missing, and Merlin must find him before a shadowy pursuer catches him first.
With the High King and his kingdom caught in a trap of sinister deceit, Merlin has to find a way out before all is lost. Having everything to fight for, and almost nothing to fight with, Merlin and Arthur must rally Britain’s warriors against three overwhelming enemies: Saxen hordes in the south, Picti raiders in the north, and a chilling new enemy that has arisen in the west. At the same time, Morgana brings Merlin’s deepest fear to life and sets a horde of werewolves loose to destroy Britain. But when the secret purpose of this nightmare is finally revealed, will Merlin and Arthur find a way to survive—without unleashing an even greater evil?
I usually don’t share the synopsis but I wanted to address several things...

The werewolves—I’m not sure why but they weirded me out. Yes, I just used the word weirded in a review—sue me. It also almost destroyed any hope that I had for Morgana’s redemption. Yes, I know she is bad but I was still kind of hoping…
All in all? This book kicks butt and I can’t wait to read more, even though I was a little reluctant to give a five star—mostly because of my frustration and impatience to read the next book. I guess I’m a bit like a child throwing a tantrum wanting my candy now rather than later.
Tsk, tsk on the author for torturing me so! All I can say is that the next book better be worth the wait because I’m still itching to know what the world is going on!
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