The Magnificent Tales Bible Story Collection by Kelly Pulley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
★: Didn't Like it
★★: It was Ok
★★★: Liked it
★★★★: Really liked it
★★★★★: It was amazing
Suggested Age:4+ Genre: Children's Bible Storybook
This book is really cute and I’m so glad that I’ve had the privilege
of reviewing it for Litfuse. I have six
girls, ranging in age from thirteen, down to the baby at age one.
All of my girls have really enjoyed this book. My oldest daughter
has been reading to her siblings and the littlest girls enjoy looking at the
pictures as well as reading.
When I first took this book, I was thinking it would be more
appropriate for my four year old but in fact, it’s a thick book with beautiful
artwork and fantastically written rhythmical stories.
The thing I loved about this book is that each story was prefaced with where to find each story in the Bible and I think that is so important. I can read them the story from the Bible and then back it up with the children’s story book to make it a little easier for them to understand.
The thing I loved about this book is that each story was prefaced with where to find each story in the Bible and I think that is so important. I can read them the story from the Bible and then back it up with the children’s story book to make it a little easier for them to understand.
I would definitely love to see more Bible story books from
this publisher and author.
View all my reviews
From “The Salty Tale of Noah and the Ark” to “The Lasting Story of the Last Supper,” the rhyming tales in Treasury of Bible Stories remind us God loves his people — in the Bible and today. Not even mom or dad will grow tired of reading its pages night after night . . . after night.
The book is the fourth installment in David C Cook’s Magnificent Tales series, which includes the three previously released stories. Treasury of Bible Stories contains the most beloved biblical narratives from both the Old and New Testaments, leading up to Christ’s death and resurrection. Pulley chose key stories with the strongest spiritual lessons and images that would jump off the pages.
Filled with clever cadence, captivating art and clear spiritual lessons, Treasury of Bible Stories will quickly become a reader’s beloved family tradition

Kelly Pulley works from his middle Tennessee home writing and illustrating children's picture books, most recently Ten Unusual Features of Lulu McDunn and The Cycling Wangdoos. He is best known for illustrating dozens of books in the Beginner's Bible series, including The Beginner's Bible (over 1.25 million copies sold).

I received this book free from the publisher through a fantastic program called Litfuse Publicity. I was not required to write a positive review. The thoughts and opinions I have expressed are my own. This giveaway is being sponsored by Litfuse
as part of a blog tour for The Magnificent Tales Bible Story Collection
I think I need to get this for my kiddos:)