The First Confessor by Terry Goodkind
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I won’t lie, I picked this book up completely unsure of what to expect. Half of me was really excited for the prequel to the fantastic Sword of Truth series and the other half was a little frightened at what I may find in a self-published book. Especially considering quite a bit of drama and hoopla revolving around this book and series for a variety of reasons that I care not to address or even involve myself in. As a reader though, these things were alarming and therefore I was a little scared.
There were things I enjoyed about this book but I was also a little disappointed. The cover of this book is absolutely gorgeous! The cover model is haunting and it really draws you in and makes you want to find out more about this mysteriously beautiful woman. The plot however was no different than the Sword of Truth series and I was very disappointed that this story wasn’t more original. I felt as if I had already read the story and that the characters were simply the old characters but with new names. Almost every single character in this story could have their names crossed out with the main characters of the Sword of Truth written in. Not to sound completely snarky but I thought that while enjoyable-ish-(hey, this is my review, I can make up a word if I want to!) the story has already been done. I wanted something new and instead I felt like one phrase stolen from Battlestar Galactica would have summed everything up, “All this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.”
There were also a lot of mistakes that an editor should have found before this book ever hit the virtual e-shelves. Now, I’m far from a grammar Nazi, this much is obvious to you if you’re reading this review. So, if I’m finding mistakes in something? YEOUCH!
Was the story necessarily bad? Not at all! It wasn’t new and innovative and for that reason—I’m disappointed. I can overlook mistakes if the story is so doggone fantastic that nothing else matters—cumulatively it led to some disappointments on my part. Don’t get me wrong, I really do enjoy this author’s writings—so much so that I named my daughter after TWO of his characters. However, I refuse to lie and say that this was one of favorites of his works when it’s pretty darn hard to top the Sword of Truth books.

Overall though, I give this book a solid three. Not the worst rating I could have given as it had areas that could have used improvements but the last half of the book was its redemption. I won’t lie—I would probably pick up book two about Magda Searus if one were made. Largely because I would love to see her become more proficient with her powers—see how powerful she became. If you’ve read the Sword of Truth series prior to picking this one up—I think you’ll still enjoy it. If you have yet to read the series—I would suggest holding off on this one and read Wizards First Rule as your first journey to the Midlands!

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