Courting Cate by Leslie Gould
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was so excited to pick up Courting Cate by Leslie Gould as I won a copy in an author party hosted by Litfuse. There is just something about reading a book that you have won that makes you want to dive right in and start reading. I think the very interesting thing about this book is that it is an Amish themed retelling of The Taming of the Shrew. Needless to say, it was an interesting take and I really enjoyed the book! I think if you enjoy Shakespeare as well as Amish fiction—I think you will enjoy this rendition! Oh, and I know you can't judge a book by the cover but I think the cover model is absolutely stunning!

Pete is intriguing. That much is true. But, is his interest in Cate sincere or does he have some ulterior motive? Just as Cate believes that she could finally love someone—her faith in him is shattered and her heart is broken again. Yet, when circumstances find her in the acquaintance of a bitterly hateful old lady—Cate begins to take a good look at her own bitterness. Does she really want to be a shrew?
I thought this story was really sweet and quirky for an Amish tale. Something about the author’s writing is unique and I honestly cannot wait until her next book is released. I think I have read it will be an Amish rendition of Romeo and Juliet. That should be very interesting! If you’re looking for quirky Amish books that are a little outside the norm—pick up Courting Cate and then hop over to the author’s website to learn more!
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