Bathsheba Bathed in Grace: How 8 Scandalous Women Changed the World by Carol Cook
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I was excited to read this story. I’ve not read anything by this author and I can’t recall ever reading anything about Bathsheba other than in the Bible. I really wanted to give this book 5 stars but I felt as if each individual story should have been a little longer. I felt it was over too fast. That’s how much I enjoyed reading from these ladies perspectives. It definitely made me think about thinks in a different light.

The ladies in this narrative are: Bathsheba, Sarah, Hagar, Leah, Rachel, Tamar, Rebekah and Eve. We follow along from their viewpoint of the events that shaped a nation and I have to say—I was fascinated. I had never taken the time to think about how Rachel may have felt to be betrayed by her father and by her sister nor as to why Leah agreed to such a horrible thing. Pure intrigue and fascination was found for me on each and every page.
If you’re looking for a book that will maybe open your eyes to new possibilities or make you think about how these ladies felt then this is definitely one to read. I was so intrigued by this take on Bathsheba that I’ve spent days reading up on her. I had always heard her made out to be partially at fault for the affair with King David but after reading this story I did some digging and now I’m seriously thinking that she was an innocent victim in this scandal. It’s certainly food for thought.
The only reason I am giving this book 4 stars is because I was left wanting more from each of the narratives. I think a full novel could have been written about each and every one of these intriguing ladies!!!
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Wow this does sound great! I love your reviews Kristin!