The Lesson by Suzanne Woods Fisher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Hrmm, what can I say about this book? I’m trying really hard to reflect on this book without taking book two into account as well but it is really hard as it is a three part series. I am so discontented with the cliffhanger in The Haven and the fact that we skip years ahead in The Lesson and see an outcome (in passing really) but no hints to how things came to be. As a matter of fact—this book is about an entirely different sister so of course everything truly is in passing. I have so many unanswered questions about Sadie and Will. Joe-Joe is mentioned in passing but it feels as if he is a disconnected part of the family which was very disappointing to me as well. I don’t know—I just feel cheated I guess. I wanted to know how everything happened and I don’t feel like that happened. It feels disjointed and I hate even admitting it because I really adore this author. I just—I’m having a hard time figuring out what to say. If I could read The Keeper and The Lesson and forget that I really got pulled into the story of The Haven—I wouldn’t feel this way I think. It is definitely a very good book but I would have enjoyed it better if the book leading up to it had been concluded.

I really did enjoy M.K.’s story but for the reasons outlined above I simply cannot give a five-star rating. Rather, I have chosen four stars. The last part of the book was the redemption of this story as I was almost certain that I was going to give this book a three-star rating. So, my suggestion is—if you pick up this series, either skip the second book or be prepared to put aside your feelings and enjoy the third book for the story in which it is meant to be enjoyed for rather than carrying emotional baggage from the second book over into this one.
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I received this book free from the publisher through a fantastic program called Litfuse Publicity. I was not required to write a positive review. The thoughts and opinions I have expressed are my own. To view other blogs participating in this blog tour, click here
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