Afloat by Erin Healy
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I was really excited to read this book. It sounded sort of sci-fi/dystopian and it grabbed my interest.
However, I found that I quickly lost interest within the first four chapters of the book.
The story line was a great concept and I wanted to love it but it just couldn’t hold my attention.
I felt that some of the catastrophe and chaos was so over the top that it was hard to follow exactly what happened and though I have finished the book I am not entirely sure if it was a bomb that caused the problem or if it was a volcano or earthquake.
As a reader who grasps allegory and comprehends books quite well it isn’t often that I feel such loss and confusion. Perhaps such feelings came from not falling in love with the characters or maybe it was something else but I just didn’t really connect with this book. I couldn’t really fall in love with the characters nor did I feel particular loss when something bad happened to them.
In addition to my other complains; I think for me the multiple character views were a big hindrance in my ability to form a bond with the characters. I think this will be one of those books that you either love or hate depending entirely upon personal tastes in writing styles so I would still probably suggest the books for others who love action and sci-fi.
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Eagle's Talon is an architectural marvel-shining residential units afloat in a protected cove of the gorgeous Rondeau River. The project is nearly complete, partially occupied, and ready to make investors rich when a sinkhole gives way. Then torrential rains and a flood leave a ragged collection of builders, investors, and residents stranded in one floating building, cut off from the rest of the world.
They're bitterly divided over what to do next.
Architect Vance Nolan insists they should sit tight and wait for rescue. Developer Tony Dean wants to strike out into the darkness. And single mom Danielle Clement, desperate to protect her young son, Simeon, struggles to hold their motley band together.
Power failure, a pall of unnatural daytime darkness, explosions in the distance, then a murder ratchet tensions to a boiling point. But Danielle's young son, Simeon, has spotted something strange underwater-beautiful, shifting lights in the dark water below.
In this watery world where everyone's secrets will eventually come to light, salvation may mean more than just getting out alive.

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