Ray of Light by Shelley Shepard Gray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed this book even though I had not read the first in the series.
Honestly, I didn’t realize it was part two when I requested and when I realized I was scared I wouldn’t be able to follow along but I had no issues whatsoever.
This was also the first time I had read anything by this author or about new order Amish so it was a real treat to read something different. I will definitely be picking up the rest of this series.
I thought the characters were realistic and very well fleshed out. I liked that they seemed real and had real issues rather than this perfect idyllic life that often prevents the readers from forming a connection with the characters.

Roman returns to a home full of chaos. It seems past sins are resurfacing and secrets are bubbling to the surface. In all honesty—this poor family has more chaos and drama than a daytime soap opera. Everything from a wife that no one was aware of to a hidden past that was spent outside the Amish faith to problems with alcoholism.
But, as the book title suggest—eventually a ray of light arrives as the healing warmth of God envelopes those that seek Him. I won’t say how the romance or the turmoil ends up but I think people will be satisfied.
I’m also looking forward to book three—I really cannot wait to see what happens with Elsie, a young Amish woman with a degenerative eye disease that is blinding her. I want to see how things turn out for her and I’m really hoping she finds love as it seems her family thinks of her as incapable of loving or having her own family. I sure hope she proves them all wrong!!! This book is well worth the read.
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Learn more at http://www.shelleyshepardgray.com.

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