Letters to Katie by Kathleen Fuller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Oh how I love visiting Middlefield! I was so excited to receive this book for review. I do love an ongoing series and the connection I form with the characters. I especially love Sawyer and Laura so I was excited to read more about them within this book—though the main storyline was about Katie. I think so far this one has turned out my favorite though. I loved the theme of Katie finding her value as a godly woman instead of the most important goal being a husband. Fantastic read!

Before he gets his chance to show her how he feels another young man starts to take notice and pay attention to Katie. Shortly thereafter, Katie is struck with a mysterious illness that lands her in the hospital. While things prove not to be too serious and she will recover—her memory of time lost may prove to be a difficult stumbling block when it comes to winning her heart.
There was very little I didn’t like about this book—I enjoyed all of it. I will admit that Katie’s mother really frustrated me with her adamant distaste for Johnny. For reasons I couldn’t really discern other than his young and foolish treatment of Katie when they were younger; I thought she did a good job of overreacting to the situation. I suppose it is just one of those things though where mothers are sometimes irrational when it comes to their children.
Overall? Fantastic story that I would recommend to any fan of Amish/Christian fiction. I loved the moral of the story!
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