The Cat That God Sent by Jim Kraus
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I'll admit that I picked up this book because of how cute the cover is and because I'm an animal lover. I have three cats of my own so I was immediately interested in reading this book. I also got a chance to read "The Dog that Talked to God" as a part of the same Litfuse Group blog tour. I had never read anything by the author so I was a tiny bit scared but I couldn't resist the incredibly CUTE covers.

Then a young woman named Tassy enters into the lives of the small community. Tassy has broken up with her boyfriend and is struggling to find her way in life (and a job) her role in this story is minor but also a key component in Petey fulfilling his role in the story.
Honestly, I liked the story up until the end. I thought that the veterinarian showed her true side and it wasn’t very nice. I don’t think she would have changed as fast as she did after the stunts she pulled and I was very disappointed that the preacher still ended up with her. Being an unequally yoked relationship with a bitter woman who showed how vindictive she could be would be a great burden to anyone but especially to a minister.
The ending felt rushed. Perhaps if the veterinarian had showed a gradual repentance and change in her heart for the harms she was determined to cause then I could have connected more and been more satisfied with the ending. As it felt rushed to me—I could only give this story a 4 star rating. It was a tough decision for me because I enjoyed the book up until the end. Overall? Cute story for any cat lover and a fairly quick read!
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